Saturday, September 20, 2014

First day in Frisco

I don't know what normal people do directly after disembarking from a plane, but we Tilsches go get some crab salad and oysters on the half shell from Swann's Oyster bar.

Bellies full of seafood, we went and did some touristy things:

Like posing at the bottom of Lombard Street... Which incidentally is two blocks from my cousin's and new wife Polly's pad.

Then off to Pier 39 for some sea lion action. 

Here Ollie is saying "oooh oooh ooh!" Trying to imitate the sea lions. 

Finally, after checking into our hotel, we had a cozy dinner at Le Cuisinet in San Carlos. Ollie ate French bread, pommes frittes, zucchini soup, Coq Au Vin, roasted broccoli and even some of my ratatouille crumble shown above :) 

We walked off our filling dinner by pursuing the town's awesome evening farmers market, which I failed to photograph. 

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