Thursday, March 20, 2014

Stephen's Spring Play

Here's Stephen in his Bird #2 costume for his school's spring play: "Hansel & Gretel Eat Right."

He preformed his line flawlessly :) 

But pretty much had a blank stare for the rest of the show.

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Stephen's superhero creation

Meet "Faucet-Man" and his faucetmobile, fighting crime by spraying water on the bad guys and helping innocent children by filling up their bathtubs after bad guys have stolen the water.

Rough night

Ollie was up much of the night with a nasty cough. Joe was also up with him a lot... This was taken around 7 am after Ollie's morning feeding.

Sunday, March 2, 2014

When brothers nap together in unity

For once, things were a little too quiet and nobody was doing something bad...

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Saturday morning conversations

Stephen: "On Monday, we're going to celebrate Dr. Seuss's birthday."
Joe: "Oh, that's great, Steve"
Stephen: "But he's dead. Dr. Seuss is dead, Dad."
Joe: "Yeah, he's been dead for a while."
Stephen: "But how is he going to blow out the candles?"