Thursday, October 31, 2013

African Visitors

Last weekend, we had the privilege if hosting the traveling performance group called The Young Africans, composed of college aged former members of the African Children's Choir. We all enjoyed the lively, colorful and moving musical show. This horribly blurry phone picture shows the "Jerry Can Dance," a thumping song that incorporated plastic gas cans as percussion instruments and dance props.

Our family hosted a young man from Uganda named Timothy and the groups sound technician (from Oregon).

Timothy has dreams of studying land economics and becoming an actuary. The funds raised from their tour will help him and his choir mates be the first among their families and villages to go to college.

I had hoped Stephen could learn something about other cultures and perhaps poverty... But he was quite shy. 

Timothy taught us a little Luganda ... 
"Oldio Tya?" Is "how are you?" And "jendi" is "fine."  We also learned that kids in Timothy's village usually make their own toys, such as cars by shaping bits of wire and dolls from plantain leaves. 

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Chilly day at the farm

Stephen's school had a field trip to Christian Way Farm today. Both older boys love going there and this was Oliver's first trip. Unfortunately, it was a cool and damp day. The kids didn't seem to mind! 

Hay ride. Ours broke down on the way.

I kept Ollie bundled in the Snugli.

Through the corn maze to the pumpkin patch.

Emily Couchman found some unique gourds.

Stephen found a woolly worm.

Caterpillar mustache.

On the hayride back, Stephen let the caterpillar crawl all over him. Note Rocky's hand waiting to pounce in the corner.

Shucking corn to feed to the noisy donkey. No more pics ... At this point my hands were numb and my phone was wedged between Ollie's head and the snugli!

Ollie's new duds

Oliver looks adorable in this stylish outfit from his Uncle Jack and Tia Cris.

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Chub cheeks

I forgot to post these cute pics of Ollie from our trip to Carbondale. 

Also, over the weekend, Oliver made his debut in his first soon-to-be viral video, made by some crazy ladies at my church.

Here's the link:

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Visits with cousins

We've had a busy, visit filled fall break. Before we left for Carbondale on Tuesday, we had a nice visit from Joe's cousin Amy. I made them pose with pumpkins on the porch before we headed out of town: 

Then, it was about two and a half hours to Southern Illinois University, where we met up with my cousin, Jonathan, and my parents. 

Jonathan gave us a tour of the building where he spends most of his time.

We watched a few pilots-in-training stride onto the tarmac. And one if us tried very hard to sneak through the gate. Repeatedly. 

We also learned about engines :)

And made lots of noise in a very echo-y building. 


Museum in a mall

The Southern Illinois Science Center, located inside University Mall in Carbondale, turned out to be the perfect place to take the boys. 

Stephen and Joe use a flight simulator.
My photos don't really do the museum justice, but here's a few more to give you an idea. 

Ollie chilled in the stroller.

Puppet shows.


Playing with mega blocs and stuffed snakes while flying tandem...

I wish I had taken a few sweeping views because the entire museum was one big room, about the size of a small anchor store. Between the live animals, puzzles, building sets, various simulators and larger than life science experiments, we could have stayed another hour beyond the 90 minutes we were there, but we had plans to meet up with my cousin, who attends SIU's automotive program.

Circus bound?

Rockam has some crazy moves, but this one takes the cake and showcases his death-defying nature. So, sorry, I made a vertical video with my phone... but I do think Rockam's trick lends itself to a vertical frame.

Monday, October 14, 2013

Rockam. In Pajamas. Outside.

I made Rockam come outside and model his new pjs, a gift from Grandma Giammo.
The soft aura around his face is a product of one of my son's touching my lens with their sticky fingers.

Why outside? Because it was a beautiful day, with beautiful lighting.

And because he's always eager to get outside.

He spotted his big wheel and decided to hop on.

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Post-haircut reparations

After rocky rubbed a whole lot of butter in his hair at DaVinci's yesterday, I figured it would be easier to buzz him than wash him. (Well, he got a bath after his hair cut anyway.) We promised him ice cream for all his trauma. 

I think he's a pretty handsome little guy, even with ice cream sandwich all over his face :)

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Annual squeamish squash hunt

Joe and I don't have many holiday traditions figured out yet-- but one little tradition we have established is our annual hunt for a bizarre decorative vegetable.

We took the boys to the downtown farmer's market to pick out some pumpkins.

Then, joe and I went to the County Barn in Fairview to find some more interesting specimens. Joe was mainly looking for ugly. I was keen on finding yummy. 

Can't wait to make "Red Warty Thing Soup" :)

Friday, October 11, 2013

New view

Fire station field trip

Stephen has been especially excited about his school's visit to the fire station. He'd even been accurately counting down the days: "four more days until we go to the fire station!!!"

The excitement was contagious. Both boys were ready to get out the door, shoes and all, an hour early.

Waiting in line to walk through the town's new multi-million dollar ladder truck.

Stephen sometimes gets embarrassed when I take his picture.

Mind you, rocky clambered on board first, but was seriously contemplating how to get into the driver's seat. Fortunately,Whit's daddy helped extract him :)

Rockam waits to use the fire extinguisher... He was pretty proactive at getting his turn (more so than Stephen, who had to be led by parents and teachers to get his turn).

Stephen got his turn just before the tank ran out. 

A fun end to the trip-- brothers playing together nicely :)