Friday, October 26, 2012

Visit from Grammy

Stephen and Rockam had their first overnight without Joe and I at the end of Fall Break. We got to attend a great conference on discipling, and the boys had lots of fun with Grammy.

 Another fun part about Fall Break was a visit from Grammy, and later Gramps.
The brothers got along for the most part.

On Sunday, after Joe and I returned from the conference, we took a walk at Jeffers Bend.

Rockam kept trying to escape from our photo ops.

 He was much more interested in throwing leaves.

He's fully aware of how cute he is.

Rockam could throw leaves all day.

 Stephen is better at posing for a portrait.

Next, we took a little hike. Stephen found a very big stick.
Rockam tried to eat something he found on the ground.
Me: "No, Rockam! YUCKY!"
Rockam: "Mmmm Ha ha ha!"

So much for a little hike. It was longer than we expected and both boys wanted to be carried halfway through. 

The next day, Gramps came and made a big pile for Stephen.

Gerald got in on the action.

 Stephen learned the joys of throwing leaves at people.

He also got some major air on the trampoline.

Stephen loves fall!

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