And, let me just boast for a second about his early signs of being a genius: We were reading a Richard Scarry book the other day... Best Word Book Ever, or something like that... and we open up to the page called "Busytown." If you're familiar with these books, you know what kind of mischief goes on in Busytown. Unlike Stephen's First 100 Animals or First 100 Machines books, I haven't tried to teach him all the names of the critters and craziness in Richard Scarry's books. But, just to be funny, I said:
"Stephen, where's the pickle car?"
He scans the page. Then points, low and behold, to a pig driving a giant gerkin on wheels.
"Good job, Boo! Now, where's the Doggie holding an apple?"
This one's easier for him. He points to it right away.
"Now, where's the cat with the giant sausage?"
Stephen got stumped. He pointed to another cat, so I showed him the butcher shop and pointed out the sausage. I thought he might remember sausage from "The Very Hungry Caterpillar," but I usually zoom through the page where he eats ten things. Plus, I don't serve Stephen sausage. Too many nitrites or nitrates or something.
Anyway, last night he wanted to revisit Busytown.
After asking him about Mr. Frumble and the car with Huckle and Lowly Worm, I asked him about the Sausage Cat again. He got it right away.
So. My son is a genius. Or perhaps just a potential repository for extremely useless knowledge.
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