Last week, Joe and I took Stephen back to Jeffers Bend to try to enjoy the fleeting warm weather. The sunshine slipped behind some clouds before we got there, but we took shelter from the chilling winds in the little bird observatory.
I mentioned in an earlier post that it's been vandalized-- educational posters torn down, birdseed littering every surface, cigarette butts and other garbage on the floor. Well, this day was even worse. The dust pan, used to clean up aforementioned mess, was stomped to shards. One of the two birdfeeders was also the target of some stupid show of aggression; knocked clear off the pole with its bottom side broken.
It makes me really angry that our little town can't appreciate the small slivers of nature that are open to the public.
Anyhow, there wasn't a bird in sight as we hunkered down in the dirty little shelter. Joe held Stephen, while I tried to scoop up the birdseed with what was left of the dustpan. I carried the scoops out to the one remaining birdfeeder.
Then they came. A hoard of crimson cardinals... then their buffier counterparts, then chickadees and juncos and field sparrows.
Several cardinals also perched on the window ledge to peck at their reflections... and we did our best to capture the scene. Stephen was tickled by having birdies so close.
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