Stephen turns one year old today! We celebrated Saturday with a low-key gathering at our house. The Couchmans, Chappelears and Wally Bryan joined my mom and dad and Tatiana and us for some snacks and banana pudding cake. Mom helped me make the cake, based off a recipe my Aunt Susie often made for my birthdays. Our cake was not photo-worthy, but after I cut through the layers of whipped cream, yellow cake, pudding and banana slices, Philip made the astute observation that it looked like the top of a toothbrush. (Stephen is a big fan of toothbrushes. And while we didn't make it the theme of the party, we did give away balloons with toothbrushes attached as party favors.)

Munchie even got his own little cupcake (banana muffin with whipped cream on top) with one candle that he tried to grab before Mama whisked it away. His friends helped him blow it out. Then the fun began. At first, Stephen didn't really know what to make of the whipped cream. He poked it. Stirred it with his index finger. Got a taste when I lifted the cupcake to his mouth. Wore it. Squished it. Then finally, dug in. Before we knew it, he was shoveling fistfuls of banana muffin into his chipmunk cheeks.

After cake, Stephen watched as Emily, Philip and Ester helped him open his birthday presents. What a fun day!

Stephen also found Evan Couchman very interesting. Evan was very brave in the face of danger!
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