Again, sorry my rate of posting in no way matches the name of this blog :-( Got some rather sad news. Poor lil Munch has been under the weather... Many of his adoring fans know that he's often congested, drippy, drooly and sometimes quite snotty. We all had been hoping these were signs of teething (as of yet, my 10-month-old hasn't a single pearly white). Yesterday, in addition to having the chronic congestion, Stephen was sluggish and whimpered a lot, so I scheduled a doctor's appointment for this morning. Stephen squirmed and flailed with all his might as the poor doctor struggled to listen to his breathing and check his ears and nose. Steve also gave the X-ray techs a hard time, then gave the nurse who took his oxygen count a piece of his mind. X-rays showed "oxygen pockets," his oxygen was 96, above the 90 cut-off for normal (which is good.) And Dr. Campbell could hear some rattling, but not wheezing. No ear infections.
Turns out my baby has got bronchitis, allergies and asthma. I guess that explains why his "cold" that he got 3 months ago hasn't gone away. I know this sounds a little twisted, but I'm almost relieved to learn he has SOMETHING, rather than hearing he's got a cold that should clear up in 10 days. Because 10 days stretches to 30 and 30 yawns into 90.
The not so pleasant part is that I left the doctor with 4 prescriptions and the nebulizer mask. I also learned Stephen should be 2 whole pounds heavier. He's in the 10th percentile for height, but off the curve for weight.
So please pray for my little guy... to learn to like his baby cereal again (he's been shunning it since he learned to pick up finger foods). To be healed of all respiratory maladies and to bounce back to his happy, hyper self.
1 comment:
Hi Em,
Munchie looks so cute! as for the allergies you could try the food allergy cure technique that I used to get rid of mine. Just let me know, I can send you more info if you're interested. Take care!
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