Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Spring buds

Oliver and I explored our back yard and found these beauties!

I'm glad I snapped some pictures because the deer snarfed 'em the next day.

Saturday, March 12, 2016

Nature Center

Rocky stayed home Monday after having the stomach bug Sunday. He was feeling pretty good by then so I took them to the Rocky River nature center to watch the turtles, fish, birds and bees.

Sharing Show

A couple snaps from Rockam's "Sharing Show" performance on Friday. They sang about PreK, dolphins and sheep ... I think!

Rockam likes to be on stage. Can you tell?

Maple Sugar Hike

This afternoon, we went on a guided maple syrup hike in the MetroParks.

Ollie checks out a tent that Native Americans would have used during tapping season.

Rocky admires his big stick while a wooden maple spire drips sap behind him.

The boys got distracted a few times.

Stephen tries on the sap buckets.

A little swing fun afterwards