Monday, May 20, 2013

Steve's Graduation!

Stephen officially finished preschool last Wednesday :) And... He actually participated willingly in the ceremony in front of a HUGE audience. Go Steve!

Sunday, May 19, 2013

End of the school year picnic

Stephen's preschool had their last hurrah at Lost Horseshoe Acres in Oak Grove last Tuesday. Rockam and I came too. 

Rocky's odd sleeping habits

This was nap time one day.

Goodbye, Camry. Hello MPV

So. There's no turning back now. We've bought a mini van. Here's the before and after comparison:

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Stephen's Special Day

All the kids at Steve's preschool get a special day on or around their birthday. Since Stephen doesn't turn five until school is out, he's having his today. He chose Legos, cake and extra time on the playground to celebrate.

Budding reader

Rockam has finally demonstrated more interest in books :)

Look mom, no hands!