Excuse the blurriness... this was taken with the lights off, but you know how cameras these days try to always make it look bright in a room. Stephen is not keen on blowing out candles. "No. No. No. Too hot!" he whimpered as I tried to get him to lean close. But he did like everyone singing to him, as seen in the big grin here.

I made Stephen a "birthday crown" which he liked to wear. Later in the day he decided he liked wearing it upside-down like a weird sun bonnet.

He enjoyed all kinds of getting spoiled with Grammie and Gramps in town. Here he helps "Bupps" put together some cardboard bricks.

Posing for a McD's add? My folks watched Stephen the night after his b-day so Joe and I could sneak out for a belated anniversary date to Clarksville. Stephen likes playland, but hamburger got the reject button.

Conking out after so much fun.