Stephen's vocabulary has been developing daily-- noticeably. He's recently begun saying thank you (dank yu) without prompting. Today I took him with me to the grocery store and I told him if he was well behaved, we could get him a new matchbox car (they're only a buck). He was good ... almost too good ... sitting still in the cart without squirming or squawking. So we picked out a new car at the end of the trip. I took it out of the package so he could hold it on the way home. He was studying the toy pretty intently and I thought he might be sleepy. About half-way home, I hear "Dankyu Mommy," from the backseat. "You're welcome!" I replied cheerfully. "New Car!" Stephen says. Awwwww. Way to go, Son.
When we got home, he wanted to show the car off-- it's not really a car, but this stunt vehicle made for recording movie chase scenes or something. It has a camera on a long boom that swivels--anyhow, Steve tells Joe that his new car is "oran" (orange) and it's a "fire engine. It has crane!"
OK. That's all my boasting for now.