Saturday, October 27, 2012

Preschool Field Trip

Stephen's school had a field trip at Christian Way Farm, which is owned by our friends, Janie and Milt Corley. It's one of Stephen's favorite places. Above, Stephen's entire preschool class poses in the corn truck... much more fun than a sandbox, but I'll be finding corn kernels in my dryer for weeks.

Stephen said hello to some old friends.

Fun inside the twin tunnels.

Oh, funny meeting you here.

Can I get this thing to roll?

Okay, I'm ready to get out now.

We rode the hay ride to the pumpkin patch and picked out portable pumpkins.
Clyde the dog went with us. I got a dose of all my favorite allergens in one day!

Inside the hay castle. You can see it in the distance in the first group shot.

Rockam looks like a marching hay castle guard.

They also got to ride the tractor train.

And... it didn't take long for the back seat to look like this on the way home.

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